Have you ever thought Roulette casinos have big prices? Well, roulette casinos have high chances of big prices that can actually be won.


This is the first great Roulette winner. With a total stake sum of $135,000, he doubled his stake and won $270,000. What a risky way of investing one's personal life savings in an online Roulette machine. This was just a crazy amount and the lucky winner, Ashley Revell established his own online site of poker which went by the name "Poker UTD." This was just the best choice of investing the craziest win for lifetime paybacks.


This is the second massive roulette casino win. It was won by Mr. Wells and he scooped a total sum of 1 million Francs in a single night in 1891 at a casino in Monte Carlo. At the same year, Wells returned to the same casino and won another 1 million Franc. This was just his lucky spot to win. However, like any gambler, Mr. Wells continued to gamble with an expectation of gaining more but eventually, he lost everything and was even found guilty of running illegal businesses and sentenced to 8 years in prison.


This is the third roulette win. The win was made in Beaux-Arts Roulette casino in Monte Carlo. This is where Mr. Joseph Jagger won a total sum of $375,000. He was the most interesting gambler who unlike most roulette players, he did his survey and eventually his strategy bore great fruits when he eventually visited the casino and won. He was employed in a cotton mechanical industry and he secretly sent six clerks to spy on the results of the spins of Roulette wheels. Mr. Jagger was also smart and with his great fortune from winnings, he made the wisest choice. He retired from his job and just as anyone always dreams of, he invested the money in his personal property and he never stepped in any casino to gamble again.


The fourth win of casino roulette was by Mike Ashley. The Newcastle United Football Club owner is a billionaire businessman who in the year 2008 visited a private Roulette casino in Mayfair. A fascinating fact is that in one spin, he wagered a total sum of £480,000. In another bet, he won £1,300,000. The profit was £820,000. Although this is a negligible amount to a billionaire like Mike Ashley, this is just good.


The fifth win of a casino roulette win was won by Chris Boyd. Mr. Boyd, a computer programmer who had worked in England and accumulated a total savings of $220,000 over a period of 3 years decided to gamble with his savings. He went to Binion's Horseshoe Club and Mr. Boyd won the bet. He had placed a single bet of $220,000 and won when the ball landed on red 7. This was quite a funny win as this was the same number Mr. Ravell had won with.


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