Free Slot Games


How to Play Caribbean Stud Poker

How to Play Caribbean Stud Poker

Caribbean Stud Poker is one of the most exciting casino table games. It’s based on 5 card stud poker with a twist. With a chance to win a progressive jackpot on every hand, it’s just not exciting, but it also can be very rewarding. Learning the basics of the game along a few strategic tips is all you need to get started winning

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5 Reel Slots

5 Reel Slots

As we look back to the slot machines invention, we will notice that it started out with only three spinning wheels. The prize back in the day was a stick of gum. Well, slots have come along way. Today we have 5 reel slots. Casino goers and many online players are looking for more action during their game play. With the need for more adventure, the 5 reel slots are a much welcomed form of slot play.

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Poker3 Holdem Summary

Poker3 Holdem Summary

Poker 3 is a one-on-one poker game. You are playing against the computerized opponent of your choice. The three dimensionally animated opponent will play with his chips and move impatiently while waiting for you to make your decisions. Poker chips will make their unique click when being tossed into the pot. The winer of each hand reaches to the pot and drags the chips to their own pile. This game gives the tension and drama of high stakes, hold 'em poker without all the smoke and noise of a packed poker room.

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How To Play Blackjack

How To Play Blackjack

Blackjack is a fun and simple game whether it's played in a casino or online. If you're playing online, you need to find a room where the dealer might not be accustomed to winning every hand. This could spell trouble as you might find that you're paying more money out than you're winning. Pay attention to the number of hands that have been won by other players as well. This could be an indication as to how well the cards are dealt and if it seems like the deck might be set in the favor of the dealer if there are few hands won by players.

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