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Blackjack Secrets

Blackjack Secrets

If you want to beat the house, you’re going to need to know some blackjack secrets. There’s nothing wrong with using blackjack secrets against the house. The house is always happy to take your money. That said, even if you have no idea what you’re doing, you will have a chance at winning in blackjack. This is, of course, if you understand the basic rules of the game. The house edge in blackjack is slightly over 2%, but can be lowered to about .5% if you use basic strategy. But basic strategy isn’t a blackjack secret, and we want the advantage to be in favor of the player, not the house.

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How To Play Slots

How To Play Slots

Most first-time casino patrons head straight for the slots. It's understandable--slots offer the highest jackpots, and they're less intimidating than games like poker; you simply put some money in, then press a button or pull a lever. But, there are a few other things you should know.

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Grim muerto

Grim muerto

Some of you might be rather new to this game. If this is the case, there are a few things we need to discuss. I am here to help you become more strategically successful with Grim Muerto.

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How to play video poker

How to play video poker

Video poker is one of the easiest games to play online as long as you understand the basic concept. You are dealt a certain number of cards, usually five or seven, before placing a bet. If your hand beats the dealer and the other players, then you win the coins that are in the pot for that round. Another way of playing video poker is to place a bet and click on the spin button so that you see your hand. You will be given the option to hold the cards that you want to keep or draw for new cards to replace those that you no longer want. Hit the deal button to see what the final outcome of your hand.

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