Grande Casino at Leisure Lodge


Table games 9
Gaming machines 35
Poker tables 2
Minimum Bet $0.01
Casino sq/ft 12,295 sq/ft

Услуги отеля

Poker Room Leisure Lodge Poker Room
Hotels Leisure Lodge Beach & Golf Resort
Rates $240.00 - $304.00
Venues Mnazi Bar, Bahari Bar, Baobab Pool Bar
Attractions Jambo Kids Club
Golf Leisure Golf Club

Рестораны & Магазины


Diani Restaurant
Coral Cove Restaurant & Bar
à la carte Restaurant
Vilindi Restaurant


Souvenir Shop

Лекционные конференц-залы в отеле

Mnazi Bar
Bahari Bar
Baobab Pool Bar


Slot machines
Video Poker
American Roulette



Diani Restaurant

Coral Cove Restaurant & Bar

à la carte Restaurant

Vilindi Restaurant


Souvenir Shop

Jewelry, Watches and Accessories

Mnazi Bar

If you are passionate for the tides as well as a good drink, you should visit the Mnazi Bar and experience the majestic ocean while enjoy your favorite drinks on the Diani Beach.

Bahari Bar

The Bahari Bar lets you relax while having a drink of some of its cocktails and other beverages. The bar is maritime styled giving a breathtaking view of the Indian ocean.

Baobab Pool Bar

The Baobab Bar offers a variety of tropical cocktails and it is situated at the tropical garden thereby creating a picturesque scenery of the tropical island.


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